Get your VAT Practices Audited before the Federal Tax Authority reaches you - Elevate Accounting & Auditing

Get your VAT Practices Audited before the Federal Tax Authority reaches you

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It is 05 years completed, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has implemented a robust Value Added Tax (VAT) compliance regime, underscoring the critical importance of businesses adhering to VAT laws and regulations. The Federal Tax Authority (FTA) is poised to initiate tax audits in 2023, and businesses failing to comply may face substantial fines and penalties. In this context, a proactive measure that businesses can take to identify and mitigate VAT compliance risks is a VAT practices audit we also call this Tax Audit.


The Importance of VAT Practices Audits:


A VAT practices or Tax Audit involves a thorough review of VAT records, procedures, and internal controls by qualified tax professionals. This proactive measure offers several key benefits for businesses, helping them identify and correct errors, improve compliance, reduce the risk of audits, and enhance financial management.


  • Identify and Correct Errors and Omissions:

One of the primary benefits of a VAT practices audit is its ability to uncover errors or omissions in VAT returns, invoices, and other records. This process minimizes the risk of fines and penalties from the FTA, ensuring that businesses maintain accurate and compliant VAT records.


  • Improve VAT Compliance:

By conducting a VAT practices audit, businesses can identify areas where their VAT compliance can be enhanced. This may involve implementing new procedures, providing staff training, or updating internal controls to align with the latest regulations.


  • Reduce the Risk of an FTA Audit:

Demonstrating commitment to VAT compliance through a practices audit can decrease the likelihood of an FTA audit. Businesses that voluntarily assess and address their compliance issues are perceived as proactive and less likely to attract regulatory scrutiny.


  • Improve Financial Management:

A VAT practices audit contributes to better financial management by ensuring accurate and up-to-date VAT records. Reconciliation with Customs records and books of accounts becomes more efficient, aiding in improved financial forecasting and planning.


  • Legal Requirements:

Compliance with UAE VAT Law is mandatory for businesses meeting the taxable threshold. Failure to register for VAT can result in legal consequences. Seeking assistance from tax consultants in Dubai can streamline the registration process.


  • Avoid VAT Administrative Penalties:

Non-compliance can lead to hefty fines and penalties. By adhering to regulations, businesses safeguard their bottom line and protect themselves from financial penalties that can reach to very high .


Specific Areas Addressed in a VAT Practices Audit:


  • Verification of the accuracy of VAT returns, ensuring proper classification and taxation of supplies.
  • Identification and correction of errors in VAT calculations, including input credit claims and import values.
  • Compliance with VAT record-keeping requirements, such as maintaining proper tax invoices and credit notes.
  • Review of internal controls for VAT compliance, assessing the effectiveness of policies and procedures.


How to Prepare for a VAT Audit in UAE?


Value Added Tax (VAT) audit by tax authorities can be a comprehensive examination of a business’s financial records to ensure compliance with VAT laws and regulations. To prepare for a VAT audit, businesses should pay careful attention to specific key areas that tax auditors typically scrutinize. Based on their previous experiences, auditors often focus on the following aspects:


Trial Balance and VAT Return Reconciliation:


  • Tax auditors typically examine the trial balance and reconcile it with VAT returns submitted for each tax period.
  • They check for discrepancies, ensuring that all taxable supplies are accurately reported, and input recovery amounts align with actual costs incurred.
  • Inconsistencies may arise if periodic closing procedures, back-dated entries, or reconciliation with returns are not followed.

Proof of Exporting Goods Documentation:


  • VAT law stipulates that goods exported should be zero-rated when accompanied by official and commercial documentation.
  • Auditors may scrutinize businesses to ensure they possess the required export documentation, such as departure certificates, for shipped goods.
  • Lack of proper documentation may lead auditors to consider treating shipments as local supplies, impacting the tax consequences.


Examining Tax Policies:


  • Auditors check for discrepancies in a company’s tax treatment practices, such as reporting standard-rated supplies as zero-rated or exempted.
  • Industries with varying VAT rates (e.g., real estate, healthcare, education) need to ensure compliance with tax laws to avoid discrepancies.


Recovering Input Costs for Personal, Entertainment, and Vehicle-Related Expenses:


  • Businesses making taxable supplies can deduct input costs associated with those supplies, subject to specific restrictions.
  • Auditors review the working file for VAT return filing, trial balance, and supporting documents to determine if input recovery complies with legal requirements.


Evidence of Payment for Expenditures:


  • Input recovery is contingent on the taxable person having paid taxable expenses or declared their intention to do so within six months.
  • Auditors may request payment documentation, such as supplier-issued receipt vouchers or bank statements, to validate payments and prevent unjustified input recovery.


Preparing for a VAT audit in UAE involves meticulous record-keeping, adherence to legal requirements, and ensuring that the business’s tax treatment practices align with VAT laws. Businesses are advised to maintain accurate documentation, comply with export requirements, review and adjust tax policies as needed, and ensure proper evidence of payment for expenditures. By proactively addressing these key areas, businesses can enhance their readiness for a VAT audit and minimize the risk of non-compliance issues.




Penalties for non-compliance with UAE VAT law


The failure of the Taxable Person to submit a registration application within the timeframe AED 10,000
The Failure to maintain required records AED 10,000 for the first time and AED 20,000 in case of repetition.
The failure of the Registrant to submit the Return within the time frame AED 1,000 for the first time.


AED 2,000 in case of repetition within 24 months

The submittal of an incorrect Tax Return Fixed penalty: AED 1,000 for the first time.


AED 2,000 in case of repetition.


The failure of the Taxable Person to comply with the conditions and procedures regarding the issuance of a Tax Invoice and a Tax Credit Note electronically. AED 2,500 for each detected case.



Optimize Your VAT Compliance with Elevate – leading VAT Consultants in UAE


VAT practices in UAE stand as a crucial instrument for businesses aiming to sidestep tax penalties and enhance their VAT compliance. By choosing a VAT audit, businesses not only showcase their dedication to VAT compliance but also mitigate the risk of undergoing an audit by the Federal Tax Authority (FTA).


Elevate, an FTA-approved Registered Tax Agency specializes in delivering comprehensive VAT practices tailored to assist UAE businesses in identifying and rectifying potential areas of non-compliance. Our team of adept tax professionals is equipped to furnish businesses with a detailed report highlighting findings and offering strategic recommendations for improvement.


If your UAE-based business is apprehensive about VAT compliance and the associated penalties, we encourage you to get in touch with Elevate, leading VAT Consultants in UAE for VAT Practices. Our services are designed to ensure that your business is well-prepared for any potential FTA audit, minimizing the likelihood of fines and penalties.

To learn more about our service visit our website:

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