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Approved Auditors & Accountants
Elevate Accounting & Auditing – A well-known Audit firm in UAE, Started the Business into the Field of Management Consulting and helped many new businesses in Company Formation. Auditing firms in Dubai, UAE has lots of opportunity to grow by helping SMEs in the field of Accounting & Auditing, Book Keeping Services, VAT Consultancy, Company Formation, etc…
In the
Business since
We have been in business for over 10 years, serving more than 3,000 clients across 7 locations. Founded in 2013 with a small team, our dedication and determination have driven our growth and success in the industry. By consistently meeting client commitments and delivering outstanding results, we have earned positive feedback, which has fueled our exponential growth and expansion. Today, with a team of over 100 professionals, we continue to thrive and uphold the trust and satisfaction of our clients.
Global Presence
UK, USA, India & UAE
Team Size
Professional Accountants
Client Base
Audit & Assurance
External Audit
The key to sustain confidence between your company and stakeholders is undoubtedly a reliable audit.
Internal Audit
Internal Audit provides an independent assurance on the effectiveness of internal controls and risk management processes...
Inventory / Stock Audits
In simple term a Stock Audit is the physical verification of the inventory and reconciling the same with the accounting records.
Revenue Report
Revenue Report/ Sales report is an analytical tool that provides insights into the sales operations of a business.
Due Diligence
Due diligence is the investigation or exercise of care that a reasonable business or person is normally expected to take before...
Whenever a company suspects any malicious activities in the organization, it is an absolute necessity to do a thorough ...
Forensic Audit
Forensic audit is the examination of documents and the interviewing of people to extract evidence. It involves investigation...
Business Valuation
Business valuation include an analysis of the company’s management, its capital structure, its future earnings prospects...
Why Choose Elevate
Choose Elevate Accounting & Auditing! Our proficient team of experienced and knowledgeable professionals qualified as Chartered Accountants, CPA from different countries conducts thorough company assessments to help you focus on your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
We are more 10 years in business, having more than 3000 clients, available in 7 locations, with 100 plus team members. Started in 2013, with a handful of members, our dedication & determination helped us thrive and grow in the industry. Meeting our client commitments marvelously, and positive client feedback helped us spread our roots exponentially.

preferable Partner Consultant
Become a Partner-Consultant
Welcome to Elevate Auditing Partner Association. In this Program, we share our profit to our partners who refer their clients to Elevate Auditing. As a partner, you need to be qualified enough to understand the Auditing process and other Corporate services provided by Elevate. As Audit is our Core Business we also do Out Sourced Accounting & VAT consultation assignments…
- Business Consultants
- Business Setup Consultants
- TAX Agents
- Freelancer Accountants
- Accounting Companies
- Lawyers
- Liquidators
Have a question or need help? Send us a quick message or contact us at:
Company Formation
Explore seamless solutions for hassle-free company formation

Liquidation Services
Why should an organization have
Internal Audit?
Conducting internal audits are crucial to understand the following
Are there internal controls in place for every process in the organization?
Are these controls effective?
Whether the entities risk assessment and mitigation procedures are appropriate?
Whether opportunities for improvements are identified?
Whether remedial actions are adopted and implemented?
Elevate Auditing
Accounting & Audit Team

Ms. Priyanka Jagetiya

Mr.Vishal Malhotra

Mr. Muhammed Rafi CA

Mr. Abhinay Ganta

Mr. Naveed Hussain
News & Blogs
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